Adikaran's Poetry

126,171 poems read

Abstract Portrait

We were holding hands,
And walking on the beach,
Looking at the sunset,
It is like a split egg yolk.

The sun shines on your hair,
Hanging behind your ear,
Your face, and it is red in color,
I felt I am at my home interior,
With you, and my heart beats faster.

Your words are reassuring,
Soothing and loving,
Your concern is adoring,
And I looked at your glowing eyes,
You have beautiful eyes,
And I melted into you.

With my brush and paint,
I portrayed your picture,
This is the abstract picture,
The entire artist like this picture,
But I cannot sell, this is my treasure.


Author notes
This is an abstract portrait of yours which I have painted. This is my love and my treasure. I do not wanted to give this to anyone and i would like to treasure this in my entire life. D

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Abstract Portrait